
Four Records Your Business Should Always Shred

Identity theft has become an increasing concern around the world, both from digital and hard copy records. As a small business owner, you owe it to your employees, clients and partners to protect their information. While you may be taking steps to protect your servers from intruders, you shouldn't dismiss the importance of careful disposition of paper records. Most business documents that contain vital or personal information should be shredded when they are disposed of. Read More 

Why Shipping Products In Too-Big Boxes Can Be Harmful For Your Business

There are many reasons why you might have invested in big boxes for business shipping purposes. You might have figured that having a stash of bigger boxes will mean that you'll be ready for any type of shipping, or you might have found that the smaller boxes that are available are often too small for your products. Regardless, you should know that too-big boxes can be harmful to your business, too. In fact, there are quite a few reasons why. Read More 

Three Ways To Use The Internet To Track Business And Industry News

A modern business owner needs to keep abreast of new developments in their industry. Whether it's a new opportunity for investment or a potential emergency, timely and comprehensive knowledge empowers a business owner to act quickly to market changes. The Internet has made it easier than ever to track business and industry news, but it can also make separating irrelevant information much harder. Here are a few of the easiest ways to manage the news that you need while discarding everything extraneous. Read More 

Two Very Good Reasons Why You Should Ensure Your Trailer Is As Aerodynamic As Possible

If you plan to tow a concession trailer around to different fairs and carnivals, you know you need to make the trailer as easy to tow as possible. One of the ways to do this is to make the trailer aerodynamic so that it doesn't encounter a lot of resistance. Given that trailers are already going to be pretty heavy items to tow, you might be wondering if making the trailer aerodynamic will even make a difference. Read More 

Pest-Repelling Plants – Not What You Think They Are

Have you been planning out next year's garden, hoping to ward off pests by planting species that have pest-repelling properties? Investigate any claims that a particular plant will ward off bugs. There are a few popular ideas out there that are either myths or only half-truths, and finding those out now will save you a lot of frustration later on. Oranges for Warding off Cockroaches One myth states that the peel of an orange can make cockroaches avoid your home. Read More