
Pest-Repelling Plants – Not What You Think They Are

Have you been planning out next year's garden, hoping to ward off pests by planting species that have pest-repelling properties? Investigate any claims that a particular plant will ward off bugs. There are a few popular ideas out there that are either myths or only half-truths, and finding those out now will save you a lot of frustration later on. Oranges for Warding off Cockroaches One myth states that the peel of an orange can make cockroaches avoid your home. Read More 

Three Ways Smoke Detectors Detect A Possible Fire And How To Determine Which Type Of Detector You Have

Smoke detectors have come a long way from the devices that were first introduced several decades ago. Now you have your choice of detectors that can detect only smoke, or smoke and one other possible element of fire. There are three ways that smoke detectors alert you to a possible fire in your home. If you buy a home with smoke detectors already installed, you may also want to know which type of detectors your newly purchased home has. Read More 

Four Common Issues That Gets Your Business’ Mail Sent Back

Your corporate mail is important. Business mail can contain anything from time-sensitive client data to billing statements. But though the mail system in the United States is one of the most reliable in the world, there are still things that you could potentially do to get your business mail sent back, wasting valuable days of time.  Weighing the Envelope Too Early Postal scales can be quite precise. If you have a postage printer, you should always weigh the envelope when it is ready to go -- no sooner. Read More 

Propane Heating For Your Business: Pros & Cons To Consider

If the electricity bills for your business are always high during the cold months from running the heater a lot, you may want to consider using propane. Propane heat is a good choice for your business because it is also helpful for the fight against global warming. In this article, evaluate the pros and cons of propane heating for your business, as well as what it costs. What Pros & Cons Should Be Considered for Propane Heating? Read More 

Relocating Your Business: 3 Ways To Attract Customers To Your New Location

Is your business relocating in the near future? If so, then of course you want to make your current and prospective customers aware of the upcoming move. You'll also want to take measures to attract customers to your new location, regardless of where it may be. Fortunately, there are a few simple steps you can take to keep your business booming after you've arrived at your new location. Communicate Early On Read More