
Four Important Actions To Take When Your Tenant Moves On

Whether you are a recent landlord or thinking of becoming one, you'll soon realize that there are numerous tasks to complete before and during a tenant's stay. However, once a tenant informs you that they are leaving, there are quite a few other tasks to accomplish. While you may be focused on finding your next renter, slow down and thoroughly complete each of the following tasks. They will save you time and frustration in the long run. Read More 

3 Ways to Attract Local Customers

If you're a small business owner, there's one customer base that's often the most valuable to the success of your business-- your local customer base. Customers that live locally tend to be more loyal and return to businesses that they trust. Local customers also tend to be better about recommending businesses to their friends and family members. Customers can save time and money at a local business, after all, and when your products/services are top notch and your customer service can't be beat, there is really no reason to go elsewhere. Read More 

Pee-Yew! Why Does Your Kitchen Sink Smell Bad?

When you walk into your kitchen, you want to smell the aromas of cookies baking and delicious food mixing together. What you do not want to smell is something old and rotten. Where is that putrid smell coming from? If there is no old food in your fridge and you already took the trash out, it could be your sink. The question is: why does your kitchen sink smell so bad? Read More 

Know Your Rights When Job Searching With A Criminal Record

One in four people of working age in the United States has a criminal record.  That means that one in four Americans may have questions concerning criminal background checks, especially those who are looking for a job. Here's how your record may affect your job search and what rights you retain. Am I More Likely to Be Passed Up for a Job? First and foremost, you're likely concerned about how having a criminal record might impact your chances of getting hired. Read More 

Can The Right Storage Unit Help You Sell Your Home?

If you have lived in your home for a while and it is now time to buy a new home, many realtors recommend removing as many of your personal items as possible before your first showing. By doing so, prospective buyers have a better opportunity to envision your current home as their future home. As a result, after purging rarely-used items and holding the items you cannot live without, it is increasingly popular to use a self storage facility to hold the things you don't need daily, but can't part with permanently. Read More